
What we have here are relics of Gorement's demo years. The Ending Quest is one of the best things to come out of the Swedish Death scene, due in large part to the fact that it is pretty atypical when compared to the other stuff coming out of Stockholm and Gothenburg at the time. Also because it has some of the best melodies ever recorded on a death metal album but yeah. There are three demos that came before their full length (Into Shadows is labeled as a single, but there are two songs that are essentially dirty versions pre-existing tracks).
Most everything on here would later become part of The Ending Quest aside from one or two tracks, but what is interesting (at least to me anyways) is to hear what most of these songs sounded like before the full length. The production in all three is much more Swedish-sounding than what would later come, buzzsaw guitars and lots of dirt and grime, but still those kick ass melodies that make The Ending Quest so good.
There is a promo that comes after the release of TEQ but i can only find one of the supposed three tracks and the one i do have has this god awful vocalist and see's them moving forward to the gothdoom sound that they would try after their name change. I've always wondered why so many of these early DM bands decide to switch to this shitty melodic goth doom stuff later on in their careers but whatever, at least we still have TEQ to listen to.